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S.A Safety

October 22, 2007

Hi all, sorry for the long wait, but I’m back! Just decided to give you some safety tips when visiting S.A.S.A is known for it high crime rates and though it may be scary its not that hard to protect yourself and stay safe. Come on I do it daily and there is nothing to it really. (Though it doesn’t always work better to be safe than sorry)Ladies:When walking in the street, mall or anywhere always be aware of where your handbag and cell phone is, don’t leave it lying around and try to keep a handbag that can be clutched under your arm. Don’t be subject to any strangers trying to be friendly and offer help. Iv been robbed after someone helped me change my tyre. Do not drive with your hand bag or any valuables on the passenger seat; this may lead to a smash-and-grab, which is rather self explanatory (Smash the window and grab, for those who still don’t get it)Rape is also rife, so ladies careful who you talk to, try to stay in groups and remember not everyone is a bad guy just be careful who you trust with your life.... [More]

Tags: safety, south africa

Posted at: 10:02 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Safety considerations

October 22, 2007

Hi all, sorry for the long wait, but I’m back! Just decided to give you some safety tips when visiting S.A.S.A is known for it high crime rates and though it may be scary its not that hard to protect yourself and stay safe. Come on I do it daily and there is nothing to it really. (Though it doesn’t always work better to be safe than sorry)Ladies:When walking in the street, mall or anywhere always be aware of where your handbag and cell phone is, don’t leave it lying around and try to keep a handbag that can be clutched under your arm. Don’t be subject to any strangers trying to be friendly and offer help. Iv been robbed after someone helped me change my tyre. Do not drive with your hand bag or any valuables on the passenger seat; this may lead to a smash-and-grab, which is rather self explanatory (Smash the window and grab, for those who still don’t get it)Rape is also rife, so ladies careful who you talk to, try to stay in groups and remember not everyone is a bad guy just be careful who you trust with your life.... [More]

Tags: safety, south africa

Posted at: 09:32 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

To Get a higher education or not in South Africa

August 21, 2007

To Start, I would say most definitely! If you don’t, prepare yourself for the fiercest battle of your life. Life is not easy with merely a school education. With just the completion of school (as we call it "matric" or "Matriculation") you would be entitled to mediocre jobs such as tellers in banks and grocery stores. Your best bet would be to start your own business, if you can get the right capital within hand. A sad reality is even if you lucky enough to land yourself a good job, you have a bigger battle keeping your job, as most companies feel no emotion in retrenching you and filling your position with a qualified individual. This is a sad process as I know this as it has just happened to a lady in my department. She has worked at the company for going on 25 years and now she is being replaced by a university graduate. Well it may seem like I have an issue with graduates, but I can’t because I am one. The possibility of me taking someone else’s job is extremely high. This is why life in the corporate world has become so difficult, and feels... [More]

Tags: higher education

Posted at: 07:34 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

How to Detect Lies

August 15, 2007

Watching facial expressions in order to determine whether a person is lying might just save you from being a victim of fraud, or it could help you figure out when somebody's being genuine. Jury analysts do this when assisting in jury selection. The police do this during an interrogation. Of course a polygraph does this, but it is a little heavy to carry with you. Therefore, you have to learn the little facial and body expressions that can help you distinguish a lie from the truth.


Observe how the person smiles 

Forced Smile

 Forced smiles are easy to spot since they only involve the muscles around the mouth. The person will appear as being overly relaxed and not really happy. Look at the mouth and see if the teeth are showing. A real smile will reveal a bit of teeth but a forced smile may or may not. 

True Smile

In a real smile, more facial muscles besides the mouth are involved. A dead giveaway is tightening around the eyes, which sometimes causes crows' feet. Very few people can fake a smile and still control their eyes in this manner. Watch their hands, arms and... [More]

Tags: lie detection

Posted at: 01:46 PM | 4 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Experts opinion of South Africa

August 6, 2007

Just thought since I am South African Id post a bit of a err Long - Short history of South Africa... Enjoy!

A short history of South Africa If the history of South Africa is in large part one of increasing racial divisiveness, today it can also be seen as the story of - eventually - a journey through massive obstacles towards the creation, from tremendous diversity, of a single nation whose dream of unity and common purpose is now capable of realisation. The earliest representatives of that diversity - at least the earliest we can name - were the San and Khoekhoe peoples (otherwise known individually as the Bushmen and Hottentots or Khoikhoi; collectively called the Khoisan). Both were resident in the southern tip of the continent for thousands of years before its written history began with the arrival of European seafarers. And before that, modern human beings had lived here for more than 100 000 years - indeed, the country is an archaeological treasure chest. The hunter-gatherer San ranged widely over the area; the pastoral Khoekhoe lived in those comparatively well-watered areas, chiefly along the southern and western coastal strips, where adequate grazing was to be found. So... [More]

Tags: south africa

Posted at: 02:40 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Petrol? Where art thou Petrol?

August 6, 2007

(For those who are not familiar with the term in South Africa we call Gasoline -Petrol) We are currently going through a petrol strike, where it is like mission impossible to find petrol anywhere. This is due to the fact that the workers who supply and transport petrol have decided to strike until they get a 9% salary increase. Well because of their suffering the entire country is suffering.

I dont even know how many days are left before I run out of petrol and will not be able to make it to work. I cant concieve where these people get the guts to do this as there is such a job shortage that all these workers can be replaced in a matter of hours. I personally wouldnt. But this situation makes us all fearfull in that if we cannot make it to work due to the strike and petrol shortage - where is our job security?

Regardless if you the only one qualified to do the job, without a doubt there is someone sitting at home somewhere with the same qualifications as you who has not been as successful in finding a job. So for now South Africans are living with a lump in...


Tags: gasoline, petrol, south africa

Posted at: 02:19 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Lies! the destruction of Love!

August 3, 2007

White lies, lies of omission, lies to protect ourselves...Why do we do it? Who knows? Well as far as IV seen, men lie generally to protect themselves where women generally lie to protect others. But when we lie to each other within a relationship, we are destroying the relationship slowly and discretely. Have you ever been caught out lying in your relationship? Well i recently caught my boyfriend out, with a sweet little lie to save my feelings. He had gotten a really sexy picture of my friend, lying to her about its use (for a modeling agency) and lying to me- telling me her is going to hook her up with a guy friend. To his dismay he underestimated the friendship and the truth came out in a matter of hours, he just wanted the picture as he thought she looked hot! This resulted in days of arguing, loss of trust and a loss of a good friend. (And a loss of the picture...he he)Is it all worth it in the long run? He was made to go to huge lengths to make it up to the both of us and still is...but his biggest battle now is to... [More]

Tags: customization, lies, relationships

Posted at: 07:30 AM | 3 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Friend or Foe?

July 24, 2007

Todays friends or as they call themselves have no or little loyalty to anyone besides themselves. Im not saying we dont have friends and our friends are bad people. Life has reached an outcome where every person selects their friends by benefits we recieve from them. Im sure we all have friends in different fields of profession. Are these our friends or professional connections? Are we befriended by our professions?

If you earn a larger salary to that of your friends, they seem to swarm for your attention. I have always chosen my friends very selectively, though through the years iv seen, more and more, that little phrase "when days are dark friends are few" it more of a literal philosophy than we may realise. We have become so engrossed in our friendships we never see through the pretty exterior. Facets of life seem to loose us friends.

Is there friends out there that would sacrifice for us. Who would drop anything to be with us? Make extensive efforts, Keep in touch, and show love. Where has our time for friendship gone? Even I will admit Im not the perfect friend.

So...Friends where art though Friends?

Tags: friends

Posted at: 07:39 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

Kids??? At your age??

July 19, 2007

A friend of mines little sister fell pregnant from her boyfriend at a age that I would consider too young, so I sent her an e-mail with some questions I hoped would help her consider her options, I decided to post this list incase anyone else was in the same situation or knew of someone. I hope its insightfull. Remember alot of the question pertain to South African Laws aswell as the situation she is in so edit as need be.

There are choices in life, ARE YOU READY?

Have you reached your life and personal goals?

Do you have a licence or plans of getting it soon? (This is a necessity, as you never know the situation, people might not always be around to help)

Do you have your own car for independence?

Do you have a permanent job and it’s perks, for freedom?

Have you got your own house for security?

Do you have the tools to forecast and plan your future?

Are you ready and able to deal with the social stigma associated with this predicament? (And not turning a blind eye to it, as that shows immaturity)

You do realise as you are not permanent staff, you...


Tags: teenage pregnancy

Posted at: 09:17 AM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Simplicity of life

July 17, 2007

As humans we never seem to look at the bigger picture of life, if every person can just do that life would be so simple. People are constantly trying to beat the system of our laws. But if we follow these guidelines even just roughly life becomes easy, successful and simple. In this Im referring to business, law violations, education and the dreaded "credit".


 But why is it so hard. Because we never seem to make enough money and in this crime ridden country in that now you need credit to take credit. Completing your schooling entitles you to????????? well we have not figured that one out, the only suggestion is err....start your own business or good luck with the job hunt and if you too lazy to do either well get out your sunscreen and hat find a blind person and go chill out at the nearest traffic intersection, you might make some good money begging now a days. But I can understand sentiments of wanting to beg you don’t have to pay any tax then and then most businesses today are corrupt and fraudulent. and all this activity flies under the radar as our police are too busy... [More]
Posted at: 08:21 AM | 6 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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